
During the last months of the course, the Selectivity is the most frequent concern among high school students. However, once the PAUs are over, new headaches appear. For example, the publication of the court notes once the access requests have been ma

Students through E-learning soar in recent years


New information and communication technologies are taking effect in all areas of communication, including the provision of higher education. E-learning allows online study at a distance, an option increasingly exploited by students. According to a report by Eulalia Torras and Andreu Bellot, doctors of OBS Business School, the number of students who chose to attend a program through the Internet in a blended or non-attendance way exceeded 6 million in the United States alone. However, in addition to the students, the managers of the companies have also experienced growth in recent years with an increase in demand of up to 74%. In recent years, a survey by the Babson Survey Resarch Group also found growth of 3.9% in 2018 compared to the previous year.

The reasons why choosing the E-learning modality to study have also been modified. According to the 2017 Online Education Report, 72% of the students had a clear job objective, while a third said they expected to change their professional field, or complement their studies without losing their current job. In fact, the advantages offered by this modality are also really varied, from an access to a greater offer of educational programs, to keep updated the knowledge in the matter with the implementation of new study materials until taking advantage of the new technologies that the society currently has available or reconcile professional, academic and family life in a more efficient and comfortable way for the student. Assignment Box
These advantages are the main reason why the E-learning market continues to grow at a sustained pace. In 2015, the size of this market had already exceeded 165 million dollars, and the forecast is really optimistic with an average increase of 5% each year until 2023 where it must have reached 240 million dollars. The latest market study conducted by Technavio, even, is even more optimistic. They forecast a sustained growth with a compound annual rate of up to 11.41%. For 2018, the main challenges facing E-learning will be the implementation of virtual and augmented reality, the use of intelligent assistants similar to those used by Apple in its devices with Siri, social learning or in games,

The main expense in E-learning was 4.3% of the GDP of the OECD countries in the previous year, although the total public expenditure devoted to education was 12.3%, so the effort to the time to make the budgets was greater. This has also allowed the school failure rate to decrease. 70% of people between 25 and 34 years old had achieved, at least, compulsory secondary education. A figure that contrasts with the data of 2016 where 29% of the students of this same age group had barely been able to get the school graduate. The use of new formats and methodologies to transmit the knowledge to the students ended up playing a totally fundamental role to improve the data in such a short space of time.

Unemployment has also suffered a decrease in professionals with a high educational level. People between the ages of 25 and 64 suffered an unemployment rate of up to 38%, which was reduced up to 30% for all those who had finished higher education. However, the situation in the OECD countries is totally opposite where unemployment among people with higher education is higher than that of those without qualifications, especially due to youth unemployment that reached up to 43% among people between 25 and 34 years.

In addition, this methodology also provides numerous advantages in terms of time and space management, facilitating greater equality of access to knowledge between countries with higher per capita income and states with lower income levels. It is no longer necessary to go to a place at a certain time in order to complete some studies, but rather the student himself can organize the time and carry out his training program where it suits him best. In fact, numerous studies reveal that the level of student satisfaction is directly related to the management of a time that allows you to face all the responsibilities you may have in your life. Trips to the study center and return to the place of work or home, along with the time that should be dedicated to the studies can be a source of stress for the group of students. E-learning also allows updating knowledge allowing professionals to have the latest trends in their area of ​​expertise. Up to 33% of students reveal that this is necessary in order to maintain their job, and also to be able to progress in it.

The salary is, in most cases, directly related to the demand for employment. Thus, the Catalan administration points to medicine, the engineering of communication systems, industrial technologies, information technology, as well as civil engineering, aerospace technologies and administration and business management. In this line, institutions are increasingly including this type of programs in E-learning mode, the learning methodology of the future for students.